Oct 2, 2022
A Familiar Place
By: JJ Stevens
Series: Visiting Preachers
Bro. JJ Stevens is no stranger to Desert Cove Assembly. In fact, Bro JJ Stevens was born and raised in Arizona and with many of the congregants of DCA. While there may be a familiarity with DCA and its members, he doesn't let that take away from the burden and message that God gives him to deliver. Listen with open ears and an open heart as Bro JJ preaches on a familiar place.
- Oct 2, 2022A Familiar Place
Oct 2, 2022A Familiar PlaceBy: JJ StevensSeries: Visiting PreachersBro. JJ Stevens is no stranger to Desert Cove Assembly. In fact, Bro JJ Stevens was born and raised in Arizona and with many of the congregants of DCA. While there may be a familiarity with DCA and its members, he doesn't let that take away from the burden and message that God gives him to deliver. Listen with open ears and an open heart as Bro JJ preaches on a familiar place.